This is the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense, it comes from the Arduino Nano family of boards. It has lots of sensors on it, it was also designed to make good use of embedded AI using TinyML. It is pricier than most of the other boards but there is an awful lot packed into this micro-controller. TinyML enables a Machine Learning model to be embedded where memory is at a premium.

The version I have has been updated to version 2 (rev2), this was done to improve some of the sensors and components but also because some of the components were in short supply so they had to find alternatives. So the libraries I would use on the original will need to be changed but the principles and the code otherwise should be the same.


The board has quite a number of sensors, here is a brief list of them:

  • temperature
  • humidity
  • atmospheric pressure
  • light
  • sound
  • movement
  • gesture
  • magnetic

It can also connect to other Bluetooth devices, where BLE stands for Bluetooth Low Energy. If you want to get really techie then here is the link to the data sheet: Data Sheet Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense (rev2)

You can use it for many applications even build a self driving robot car, it is extremely versatile. The beauty of it is that all the sensors you would need are all there in one machine. At its heart is its ability to have a machine learning model utilise these sensors.

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

Pinout Diagram

Board Sensors