Getting Started

There is nothing to download or even sing up for, it is free and easy to use. You will do everything from your browser. The best browsers to use are either Chrome or Safari. Click on the button to download a short pdf that will help tho get you started.


p5.js is the best coding language by far but I am very biased. It is free to use, it all happens in the browser (web editor), there is plenty of support and it is very visual and you can see immediately the response to your code. It was created to fill a gap for creative coders and is now a powerful tool to showcase art, games, simulations and machine learning (AI) with the addition of ml5.js. This is the nearest thing to an all round  coding language that is easily accessibly for anyone and everyone.

Below are a number of tutorials that you can follow if you are either unfamiliar with coding in the first place or just unfamiliar with p5.js and you want some background to the ml5.js tutorials. you don’t have to do them all but the more you practise these skills the better you become and the more intuitive it becomes. A bit like memory muscle. Some of the tutorials will be useful to develop your ml5.js learning. so, Happy Coding


This unit is simply giving you an overview of the world of coding and how to use p5.js and these tutorials in particular. This may help you if you have never coded before and wonder where to start and what with.

Section A Unit #1 Shapes

This is to get you started coding, firstly some very basic shapes, then introducing colour and text

Section A: Unit #2 Movement

Let’s get these shapes moving

Section A: Unit #3 Mouse

Interacting with the mouse buttons and wheel.

Section A: Unit #4 Translate

How to make use of the translate function

Section A: Unit #5 Arrays

One of the most important topics in coding

Section A: Unit #6 Oscillate

Oscillations can create some very pleasing effects

Section A: Unit #7 Vertex

Creating shapes through using a vertex function

Section A: Unit #8 Noise

Perlin Noise is a better random generator which creates a much smoother and realistic change

Section A: Unit #9 Classes

Introduction to object orientated programming (OOP)

Section A: Unit #10 Vectors

Understanding the concept of vectors

Section A: Unit #11 Colour

Having different ways to add and use colour