Section A (basics)

Starting with the basics and then building in key concepts of coding step by small step.

Section A Unit #1 Shapes

This is to get you started coding, firstly some very basic shapes, then introducing colour and text

Section A Unit #2 Movement

Let’s get these shapes moving

Section A Unit #3 Mouse

Interacting with the mouse buttons and wheel.

Section A Unit #4 Translate

How to make use of the translate function

Section A Unit #5 Arrays

One of the most important topics in coding

Section A Unit #6 Oscillate

Oscillations can create some very pleasing effects

Section A Unit #7 Vertex

Creating shapes through using a vertex function

Section A Unit #8 Noise

Perlin Noise is a better random generator which creates a much smoother and realistic change

Section A Unit #9 Classes

Introduction to object orientated programming (OOP)

Section A Unit #10 Vectors

Understanding the concept of vectors

Section A Unit #11 Colour

Having different ways to add and use colour

Section A Unit #12 10PRINT

Putting what you have learned so far into a bit of algorithmic art. This is a simple algorithm that is based on an old computer system, it is a random pattern of diagonal lines.

Section A Unit #13 Phyllotaxis

A lovely example of algorithmic art, combing spirals and colour. This will help increase your understanding and application of the building blocks of p5.js covered already.