Section F (physics)

Simulating the real world as much as possible

Section F: Unit #1 Oscillations

Simple Harmonic Motion.

Section F: Unit #2 Pendulum

Creating a simulated pendulum through exploring circular motion.

Section F: Unit #3 Springs

Creating a simulated spring through using a particle class

Section F: Unit #4 Particles

Developing the concept of a particle system

Section F: Unit #5 Emitters

Adding emitters to the throng

Section F: Unit #6 Smoke

Pulling things together to create a smoke (or fire) effect with particles

Section F: Unit #7 Perlin Noise

Exploring the benefits of Perlin Noise over Random

Section F: Unit #8 Random Walker 

looking at vectors and the random walker

Section F: Unit #9 Gravity

Playing with attraction between two bodies

Section F: Unit #10 N body

Playing with attraction between many bodies

Section F: Unit #11 Seek

Steering velocities between two moving objects

Section F: Unit #12 Flee

Steering away from the target

Section F: Unit #13 Pursuit

A little more sophisticated than seek

Section F: Unit #14 Evade

A combination of pursuit and flee

Section F: Unit #15 Respawn

Once caught then respawn somewhere else

Section F: Unit #16 Arrive

Seek target, slow down and stop

Section F: Unit #17 Wander

Realistic wandering vehicle using perlin noise

Section F: Unit #18 Scalar

Scalar projection for next path following

Section F: Unit #19 Path

Path following