About The Happy Coder

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So far The Happy Coder has created 11 blog entries.

The Creator (review and thoughts)

I recently watched the film ‘The Creator’, a(nother) dystopian AI future film. Despite it’s many flaws in the filming (not the best) I thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially the special effects and general idea and concept behind it.  (Hopefully no spoiler alerts) It is set in the near future where [...]

The Creator (review and thoughts)2024-07-31T06:48:23+00:00


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is is generally good at one specific task. Whereas Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) could be applied to a wide variety of problems. But there is a growing concern regarding something called singularity where AI becomes super intelligent and takes control over its own destiny. DeepMind DeepMind [...]


What is coding

What is coding? For many people coding is a dark art, a mysterious phenomena. You may be thinking why ask the question, it is obvious, everyone knows what coding is. Well it may surprise you that there are a lot of people who really have no idea what it [...]

What is coding2024-03-16T17:36:22+00:00

Would you get into a car that was sentient?

Sentient machines There is so much in the press these days about self driving or autonomous cars. With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence especially around Large Language Models that give the impression that they are human. Some people think that these machines are already self aware, a Google employee [...]

Would you get into a car that was sentient?2024-07-31T06:40:19+00:00
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